Autumn Meeting

Autumn meeting at the Royal Academy of Sciences Nov 14th, 17:15

Annual autumn meeting of the Swedish Linnaeus Society, including lecture and dinner. Meetings starts at 17:30, followed by lecture by Håkan Rydin och Bengt Carlsson, Uppsala University and Camilla Björkman, Sveriges Agricultural University (in Swedish). 
"Pan Svecicus - Linnés fantastiska experiment analyserat efter 275 år."
Membership required. Members have got an invitation by e-mail. 
After the lecture there will be a dinner at Klubbvillan around 19.00. The price for members is 250 SEK, incl mineral water or alcohol free beer, wine can be purchased. Register for dinner no later than November 5 by  paying 250 SEK to Svenska Linnésällskapet bankgiro 625-1169, write "höstsupé", state name och dietary requirements. 
Event at Museum Gustavianum

New perspectives on Carl Linnaeus    Oct 1st 18:00-19:00 

Panel discussion with Linda Andersson Burnett, Hanna Hodacs and Annika Windahl Pontén at Museum Gustavianum. Moderated by Mikael Ahlund. In Swedish, more info 
Annual Meeting

Annual meeting May 18 2024

The Annual meeting takes place in the Orangery in the Linnaeus Garden May 18 2024 at 10:15. After the meeting architect Lars Beskow will give a lecture on the new entrance building in the Linnaeus garden (in Swedish). The meeting ends with a lunch. To register for lunch pay 250 SEK as banktransfer to the society no later than May 10,  and register allergies or dietary requirements via the contact form on the website, or via e-mail. The event A Linnean Garden Party takes place the same day with a rich programme and market. Welcome! Information on membership here