Swedish Linnaeus Society


Join the Swedish Linnaeus Society by filling in the form below and play the membership fee via bank transfer (bankgiro 625-1169). For international payment details, contact the society. 
Fees: 250 SEK per year, extra family member 100 SEK. Member living outside Sweden: 350 SEK. Permanent membership can be obtains by individual members at a fee equivalent of 20 years. Contact the society for more information. 

Free entrance

Free entrance to the Linnaeus Museum. Linnaeus Hammarby and the Botanical Garden in Uppsala.

Members get free entrance, also to general, public tours. For special events fees apply. 


Yearbook of the Swedish Linnaeus Society

All members get the yearbook (in Swedish). The yearbook has been published since 1918 and contains intersting articles on various topics related to Linnaeus. 

Meetings and activities

Meetings, lectures, excursions

The society organises one meeting with a lecture in the fall and the annual meeting in the spring. The working language of the society is swedish. Excursions and other activities for members are also organised.

Become a member

Register for membership

Register for membership in the Swedish Linnaeus Society. Type name and adress in the respektive fields. Write that you want to become a member and your postal address in the field "Message".
Name E-mail Message Skicka in